Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Repost: Goals for 2008

Hey All-

Thank you for being a community of believers who love God’s Word and love to talk about how to understand it and apply it! We are very grateful to God for this grace in your lives!

Here are the details of the goals for 2008 that we talked about at the Big Meeting:


* Pick a book to know.
* Pick a friend to study with.
* Read through the page that we handed out: Some thoughts on how to study a book of the Bible.
* Set aside time each week to read and study.
* Pick a commentary (email your pastor for suggestions).


* Befriend one non-believer that you don’t currently know.
o Suggestions for first steps: students in your classroom, people at the gym, the barista at Starbucks, the neighbor next door.
* Make it a goal to hang out with this person consistently (i.e., monthly).
* Make a point to invite this person to whatever you’re doing.

* Identify a new need in the community and then get a group of people together to help you meet this need.
* Or if you do not identify a new need, partner with someone who has.

Suggested book to read for Mission: Christian Mission in the Modern World by John Stott (especially Chapters 1 & 2 on Mission and Evangelism)

And please be praying that God would keep us pure as a people!

If you have any questions or comments please email us!
Isaac, Jon, & Braden

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