Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Here are the results from caregroup's game of "Slips" this week. For those of you who don't know how to play, it's basically, one person writes a name, and passes the piece of paper. The next person, without seeing what the first person wrote, writes an adverb. The next person, a verb, the next person another name, the next person writes the time and place, and the next person writes the reason why they did it. In the end, you can end up with some really funny (or sketchy) sentences. Here are all of the sentences from Tuesday. Some are funny, some aren't, but I figured I'd record them all... I put some of the sketchier ones in bold... (since those are always the funniest)

Brandon, after sitting on a peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich, whistled with the queen at Next 2010, because Erin's heart and soul were thrown away.

Heather reluctantly fell off the face of the earth with Brandon's imaginary girlfriend, in the twins bathroom during Jessica's naptime, because he was just that cool.

Kristen, after crying on Brandon's shoulder, danced in the moonlight with Brandon and tinker bell, in Erin's car, because they were very humble.

The little red headed girl, Erin, on her knees, sang acapella with Barney in "How I Met Your Mother" while sunbathing on a 100 degree day, because they were overflowing with undying love.

Audrey regretfully lept off a cliff with Allie in her wedding dress on the porch during the full moon, because Josh Harris wrote "I Kissed Dating Goodbye."

Josh, with a sticky tongue, danced the tango with Sam Branchaw, on the swings at 7, because if they didn't, Brandon was going to start singing.

Cameron, with unbelievable strength and power, sipped his cup of tea out of a pink polka-dotted cup with a crusty spider, on the moon last year, because he had always wanted to put his face in a strawberry whipped cream cake.

Lover boy convincingly swam in the lake with Graham-cracker in the secret depths of Erin's soul as the rain poured down, because their tummies were grumbling.

Josh, in a great flood of emotion, attacked the mountain goats with Rhea's big fat Filipino family on the boat while the sun set, because she said "no."

Brandon amazingly fell in love with Kevin DeYoung in the river full of crocodiles after singing in the choir at church because Froi was wearing glasses.

Audrey, totally embarrassed, sealed her secret in a locket with Kristen, in the kitchen with a crusty knife, since they wanted to impress the girls.

Barney, after shocking the world by removing his wig, rode off with his secret love at a U2 concert because Cameron fell off his chair.

Becca, with great reluctance, poked Cameron in Josh's wedding just as he said his
vows, because they longed to dream big.

Cameron the romantic, in a very creative way, embraced the mysterious Cameron at caregroup in the middle of the meeting because the penguins were driving him crazy.

Jess passionately was enunciating funny words with the amazing and talented Hannah at Chick-fil-a during an emotional breakdown, because they enjoyed frolicking in the moonshine.

Jess and Kris quite soothingly splashed in the tub with Rhea in Kristen's secret wedding to her secret lover, because Josh drove through a stream.

Kristen's secret lover, with sneakiness of heart, danced with a random creepy person in the library whose name was Stud Muffin, under the bed in the middle of the night, because Eugene (Brandon) was being a nerd.

Sam, after choking on sushi, drove off a cliff with Mr. Fancy Pants, in the dead of night in the haunted graveyard, because Kristen had always wanted to slap her secret lover across the face.

Christopher Robin, with an evil look in his face, rejoiced at the sight of Bob the Tomato and Larry the Cucumber, at the zoo in New York in Madagascar with the penguins during summer, because breaking Brandon's heart was the only option.

Prince Charming surprisingly screamed with horror at the face of Josh's twin boys, Freddie and Alphonso, when confronted with Brandon after the club closed because he did not like Josh's pants.

The Fish, filled with passion, enthusiastically hugged his heart's love, Kristen, at the library as the clock struck midnight, because they were very confused.

Steph enthusiastically flew over the river with Erin, Brandon, and Obama, during Mitch and Allie's wedding ceremony, since they had just gotten back from a plethora of weddings.

Froi, filled with deep longing and despair, kissed a frog with a Mexican guy, in purgatory after dinner, because Brandon wanted to name his girl Josephine.

Hot Stuff sweetly and lovingly interrupted Sunday's service to sing with the love of his life in the closet after being turned down, just because they could.

Peter Pan, with Kristen's secret lover, belched Jess on the love boat while sipping a pina-colada because Kristen was going to break off Brandon's toes.

The Apple of his eye totally scared shredded cheese with Mitch, the excited groom, in the McDonald's parking lot as the rooster crowed because Josh told them to. Look what you did!

Cameron, with a tear in his eye, crawled into a hole in the ground with Eugene and Cameron, in the library long long ago, because Jess was threatening to slap them.

Jessica's baby longingly sighed with Ricardo Arjona in jail after he set her eyebrows on fire because Erin gave up her sugar fast and ate a doughnut.

Josh's daughter, Beatrice, lightly caressed, frolicked in a field singing songs from the Sound of Music with afro-american people, floating in Brandon's coffee after he examined the sugar bowl, because Brandon was going to wack him in the head.

Erin, after changing the diaper, kicked the reluctant mule with Kris in Heaven after the resurrection, because Froi put honey in coffee and Brandon was disgusted.

The devious Kris, with a sparkle in her eye, crumbled spiders with the dead body in the saloon while drinking moonshine at happy hour, because deep down in her heart she knew the truth.

Erin carefully somersaulted down the mountain with Hannah to the Eiffel Tower as the sun was setting because it was the thing to do.

The beautiful princess, with a head cold, swing-danced with Josh and Cameron on July 4th, because the power went out.

Jess, in a rare moment of brilliance, climbed a mountain with the first person she could find at her wedding yesterday, because she enjoyed monkeys picking fleas off of her.

Mary Poppins, with great enthusiasm, put up wallpaper with babe in the hospital in the middle of the night, because they thought it was healthy.

Kermit the Frog, in tears of sorrow, blew BIG kisses out with Hannah at dark in the confrontation corner, because they were too excited.

King Julian swooningly sang with the love of his life, Erin, before his birth in the womb, because they loved sharpie pens.

Jessica, greatly distressed, crushed her heart into a thousand pieces with Eva Morales, on top of a bowl of spaghetti after Josh burned the cake, because there was no other way to feed Josh.

CJ Mahaney, verging on tears, beheld with great joy the Jonas Brothers on the piano at sunrise, because a spider crawled up beside them.

The strapping Josh scantily swooped in to save the day with Kristen's secret lover when she ate the prunes at the stroke of midnight because the world was coming to an end.

and finally...

Mitch, in a fit of rage, smooched Kristen's secret lover with the disfigured Jess, during Mitch and Allie's wedding, because Brandon was so dreamy.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

I only have these few pictures from the Miller's camera, so if anyone else has any, please post...

Our fearless leader... and Allie...

The Main Dining Hall...

JI's rendition of "You're Beautiful" was quite tear-jerking...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

CG Retreat

We started off the retreat at the Hendrix's awesome cabin

We cooked over an open fire; i think it worked out quite well...except for maybe the um...corn lol

some of us weren't quite as photogenic as others....cough....josh :P

The next morning we went back to my house for breakfast and some time in the Word

There was a visit to the toy store

Back at Steph's house some people engaged in a lively game of chess

And Brandon decided to look like a thug :P

Yeah for cooking!

Hannah and Allie drew pictures on each person's cups....there are a few nice ones and a disturbing on here as well (can u guess which one?) o.O

This was Jimmy's:

Unfortunately, this one was mine....[Hannah!]

This was Hannah's:

Allie's made me laugh [note both the front and back of the cup]

The End :D

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cg Girls Making Snacks

Stacey, are you licking the beater?
Awe, Kris and Erin are so cute!

Oh My!

Hannah faithfully stirring the chex mix
Jess filling up cupcake holders
Sylv, Erin, and Stace smiling for the camera
Um....ya girls, thats a bit scary i must admit....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Repost: Goals for 2008

Hey All-

Thank you for being a community of believers who love God’s Word and love to talk about how to understand it and apply it! We are very grateful to God for this grace in your lives!

Here are the details of the goals for 2008 that we talked about at the Big Meeting:


* Pick a book to know.
* Pick a friend to study with.
* Read through the page that we handed out: Some thoughts on how to study a book of the Bible.
* Set aside time each week to read and study.
* Pick a commentary (email your pastor for suggestions).


* Befriend one non-believer that you don’t currently know.
o Suggestions for first steps: students in your classroom, people at the gym, the barista at Starbucks, the neighbor next door.
* Make it a goal to hang out with this person consistently (i.e., monthly).
* Make a point to invite this person to whatever you’re doing.

* Identify a new need in the community and then get a group of people together to help you meet this need.
* Or if you do not identify a new need, partner with someone who has.

Suggested book to read for Mission: Christian Mission in the Modern World by John Stott (especially Chapters 1 & 2 on Mission and Evangelism)

And please be praying that God would keep us pure as a people!

If you have any questions or comments please email us!
Isaac, Jon, & Braden

Wednesday, January 16, 2008