Wednesday, January 14, 2009

CG Retreat

We started off the retreat at the Hendrix's awesome cabin

We cooked over an open fire; i think it worked out quite well...except for maybe the um...corn lol

some of us weren't quite as photogenic as others....cough....josh :P

The next morning we went back to my house for breakfast and some time in the Word

There was a visit to the toy store

Back at Steph's house some people engaged in a lively game of chess

And Brandon decided to look like a thug :P

Yeah for cooking!

Hannah and Allie drew pictures on each person's cups....there are a few nice ones and a disturbing on here as well (can u guess which one?) o.O

This was Jimmy's:

Unfortunately, this one was mine....[Hannah!]

This was Hannah's:

Allie's made me laugh [note both the front and back of the cup]

The End :D